Event Service in Covid-19 pandemic | YesEvents

| Date: 11/05/2020, 08:59 AM |

In the current situation, most businesses are negatively affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in every respect, and it has caused disruptions to works, especially those requiring communication and direct interaction as well as discussion between parties. For that reason, Event Management Company in Hochiminh City - YesEvents would like to:

  • Accompany and share with clients and partners.
  • Propose appropriate solutions.
  • Bring the utilities to clients and partners.


Services provided by Yesevents:

  • Graphic design:

o Meet the requirements of design in 2D & 3D formats.

o Propose ideas & submit the first draft within 3 days.

o Edit the design up to 5 times for free of charge.

o Maximum cost savings.

o Fast and convenient.

o Optimize advertising effectiveness.


  • Video clip:

o Create ideas, film and edit video clip on demand.

o Update plan & process in specific steps.

o Submit the first draft within 3-5 days.

o Update & adjust video clip 3 times for free of charge.

o Cost savings.

o Optimize intelligence & human resources.

o Improve advertising value.


  • Remote (online) conference:

o Providing equipment, specialized app for online seminar events.

o Create the best environment for online presenters similar to offline.

o Lively atmosphere for online meetings, not boring.

o Create a professional environment.

o Adapt to difficult situations.

o Improve skills at applying new technology.


  • Co-event:

o Provide equipment & advise on the venue for event.

o Consult ideas for businesses.

o Create close relationship between businesses.

o Cost savings.


  • If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, you should go together. So how do we go together? Together we "inch", we defeat Covid!
  • Hurry up, brothers and sisters, my dear!