Vietnam Family Day | Event Company YesEvents

| Date: 28/06/2021, 09:33 AM |

Saigon is not only beautiful in terms of pace of life, weather, and scenery, but also because of the way of life and the hearts of the people here. The "storm" of Covid19 is sweeping through Saigon, pushing many people's lives into hardship. But the hand of the Saigon people once again reached out to help those who are more difficult and needy than themselves.


"IF YOU NEED IT, GET 1 PART. IF YOU'RE OK, PLEASE GIVE OTHER ONE." How generous, rustic, caring and sharing! Saigon now is like a big family.


EVERY FAMILY is a core front to PREVENT COVID! 


Then once again Saigon will definitely WIN the Covid19 epidemic! Saigon will always be tolerant, united, generous, and sentimental. 


YesEvents is the reliable event company in Ho Chi Minh City, with Rep. Office in Phu Quoc.  


For Vietnamese version

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